Friday, February 29, 2008

Lazarus Laughed ( why fear death?)

Fear. An element of the senses that grips all men. Fear of failure. Fear of solitude. Fear of death. The latter has been very prevalent for me. Not so much the idea of death, but more in the manner of how I die. I have found fear in dying a violent death. An unreasonable, senseless death that has become very real in the days that we're living. When I lay in bed sometimes and think of someone setting the building on that a far stretch from the imagination? When I walk down the street, past anyone, is it strange for me to look over my shoulder? I think not. Read the newspaper, watch the news, find articles on the fear is reasonable. I wonder how many other people feel the same fear that I do. Gripping them to no end. Well, over the past couple weeks that fear in me has seemed to diminish. A phrase has stuck in me that has helped me deal with this fear that gives me greater hope when walking the streets and more sleep when I lay in bed at night. The phrase is "Lazarus Laughed."

I first heard this phrase while I was listening to my favorite Christian Apologist/Philosopher Ravi Zacharias. I can not quite remember the context in which he used this phrase but I know that it has impacted me greatly. Most people, secular or Christian, have heard about the story of Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus. While Jesus was away, his friend Lazarus had died, and his sisters kept claiming that if Jesus would have been there, he would still be alive. Jesus heard word of Lazarus' death but waited a couple days to finally return home where Lazarus was laid to rest. Jesus returned to find the sisters grieving so he comforted them. Jesus actually took the time to mourn the death of his friend by weeping, even though he was totally aware of what he was going to do. Jesus told the people to roll back the stone from the tomb and Jesus said "Lazarus, come out." And here comes walking out, a smelly but very alive Lazarus. A man had went to the dead, but raised to life again by the power of Christ.

Now just imagine any conversation that someone could have with Lazarus after he had been raised from the dead. Say he got into a quarrel with someone and the other person became very angry, then he blurted out the words "I'm going to kill you." How do you think that Lazarus would respond? He would probably be on one knee holding his side from the laughter that he couldn't contain. "You're going to kill me? That's funny. Been there, done that." I mean just envision what it would be like if you were Lazarus and someone said that to you. But in reality, aren't all those who trust in Christ already like Lazarus? Don't we already have the promise of eternal life? Have we not already defeated death? So what is there to really fear? When someone has a gun at your head, I am sure there may be some fear within you but I assure you that if you're right with Christ, there is truly nothing to fear. On that last day He will stand before your grave, roll back the stone, and say "come out!"

Just remember that phrase "Lazarus Laughed" whenever you walk in fear so that by your confidence in Christ you may respond the way Lazarus does. "You're going to kill me? That's funny. Because I know the person who will bring me back." And if you are an unbeliever gripped by fear, I promise you that the power of Christ goes beyond this life, but into eternity. Where when we enter into that eternal glory, the word "fear" will no longer exist.

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